Jessie Barbara Bannatyne

1857 — 10/1932
A brief biography


Jessie Barbara Bannatyne 1857 — 1932
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Frank Hart Guinness 1851 — 1885  
John George Green 1856 — 1944  

Jessie Barbara Bannatyne

Born in 1857, the twentieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and died aged seventy-five in the twenty-second year of the reign of King George V  She has 20 direct descendants in the family.


Jessie Barbara Bannatyne was born in 1857 in Byong, Victoria ,Australia, her father, Daniel Bannatyne, was 26, and her mother, Mary, was 28. She married Frank Hart Guinness and they had seven children together. She then married John George Green on 7 April 1897. She died in October 1932 in Auckland at the age of 75, and was buried in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty.

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William Guinness is the latest relative on the Guinness website - thanks to Nancy Humphreys for this contribution.
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Nancy Humphreys

Nancy Humphreys is the latest Guinness to join - welcome!